Saturday, November 29, 2008

First Knit Hat :-)

Back in late August our friends Zoe, Oliver and Maximo M came over and taught Zoe B (that's my little Zoe) and I how to knit. First, I just have to say how impressed I am by these guys. They have been homeschooling longer than we have, using mostly a Waldorf-inspired approach. Not only are these boys smart, but they are so kind and good. My friend, Zoe, taught her boys to knit, and they have made balls for catch and hats to wear. They taught us the rhyme:

In through the front door
run around the back
peek through the window
off jumps jack

We got to see the knitting Oliver and Maximo brought, and it made such an impression on my little girl! She just really looks up to them, and I couldn't ask for better role models.

Here we are a couple months ago before I cut my hair. What a proud mama I am!

Today we got to see another homeschool family which we adore, down where we used to live. They are equally inspiring and delightful to be around, and they use mostly AmblesideOnline. After lunch we went to a smoothie and coffee shop that was a favorite of mine when we lived there, and my friend and I got a moment to chitchat while the men watched the kids. She also took some time to help me finish Zoe's hat, and here it is! I don't know who is more excited or proud - me or Zoe?

Knitting Help Videos

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